August 8, 2019

Capital MMA’s Fudōshin Challenge | Four Person Intramural Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Tournament

Fudōshin is a Japanese word which means — literally and metaphorically — “immovable mind”, “immovable heart” or “unmoving heart”.

With the Fudōshin spirit in mind, Capital MMA locations began assembling teams of four, each with one white belt, blue belt, purple belt and brown belt representative. This time Lorton had the honor of bringing home the coveted “Donut” trophy.

Check out the highlights from this edition of our July 27, 2019 intramural no gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) tournament.

Fudōshin Challenge architect Jarrod Waetjen also made Capital news yesterday with a huge announcement. He’ll be spearheading our 7’th location, Team Old City, in Capitol Hill. Doors will open in early September at 810 H St. NE, Washington, DC.

Thank you Watson Multimedia for the amazing video!

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