January 6, 2023

Roy Marsh Jiu-Jitsu Seminars | February 11, 2023

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Roy Marsh will be at Capital for seminars at our Alexandria, VA location! We will also be honoring several of our practitioners with their black belt in Gracie/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

About Roy: A black belt under Royce Gracie, Roy Marsh has been teaching Jiu-Jitsu since 2005. He is the owner and head instructor of Gracie Schwarzwald in Southern Germany and has built a network of affiliate schools throughout Central Europe. Roy is highly regarded for his deep technical knowledge and is sought out for his unique concept-focused approach to teaching. Roy’s primary focus is teaching realistic self-defense, however, he has worked hard to understand every aspect of Jiu-Jitsu. Because of his completist approach, Roy has been able to successfully coach BJJ and MMA athletes, as well as advise the 82nd Airborne Division Combatives and Advanced Tactics program.

Kids Seminar from 11AM – Noon
$25 | Venmo:@dngo82 | Paypal:

Black Belt Promotions & Group Picture
FREE | Kids and Adults

Adults Seminar from 12:30PM – 2:30PM
$50 | Venmo:@dngo82 | Paypal:

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