July 23, 2020

Capital MMA & Elite Fitness | Our Commitment To You

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Thank You All

It goes without saying, but it must be said, that Capital—as a school, as a community, as a family—would simply not exist were it not for the determination of our staff and the dedication of our students. The incredible understanding and generosity you’ve shown in sustaining your membership payments when possible, as well as countless contributions in time and talent, reflect a loyalty that is truly humbling. This is what has allowed us to endure, and what will keep us moving forward. We’re doing everything we can to safely sustain that momentum, and build on it as we grow above and beyond this unprecedented time. Your contributions are what will help Capital survive today, and thrive again tomorrow.

Fighters Keep Fighting

COVID has presented the Capital MMA & Elite Fitness community with a number of unique challenges. In March the DMV entered into Phase 1 and our locations were forced to close. However, knowing how important martial arts and fitness training is to you, Capital’s leadership didn’t miss a beat and immediately began offering online classes.

Additionally, it is our mission is to provide members with evidence based mixed martial arts and elite fitness programs, while keeping our training environments safe, friendly and fun. In order to fulfill our mission, the gyms were thoroughly cleaned and time was spent making facility upgrades. Before Phase 2 was even announced, Capital was already ordering new equipment to ensure a safe training space for when we were allowed to come back.

And We Are Back

In May Phase 2 began, and while we were still running online classes, Capital was happy to have students back in front of their instructors. However, new challenges presented themselves as in-person classes were outdoors. Disinfecting stations were set up in convenient locations and deep cleaning was done before and after every class. The staff was trained on how to comply with state mandates, but make no mistake, despite social distancing, members were once again crushing their martial arts and fitness goals.

I’ve been telling students that when I compare what I saw when they were working with training partners (pre-COVID) to what I see now, they are sweating harder, paying greater attention to the fine details, and are repeating movement patterns that will undoubtedly transfer into success against resisting opponents. ~Jeremy Lafreniere

A Step Forward

While the DMV isn’t ready for a full return to the “old normal”, Phase 3 guidelines have allowed us to offer indoor training opportunities at an increased capacity. It’s inspiring to see Capital get creative with how to best provide excellent training while sticking to state guidelines. Our community is stronger than ever before, and if COVID has shown us anything, it’s that we are one.

Without You There Is No Us

We understand and completely respect that some people don’t feel comfortable returning to the gyms at this time. Yet many of you who haven’t returned are still paying dues. Without your support we wouldn’t be here today. Everyone taking advantage of Capital’s offerings—now and in the future—can do so only because of your selfless contribution. We truly hope you understand how much you matter.

Thank you all for being a part of the Capital family, and for demonstrating patience, flexible thinking, continued commitment, and tremendous resilience during these trying times.

Support Capital With A New Shirt!

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Keep getting better while using social distancing to stay healthy.