Capital MMA’s Fudōshin Challenge | Four Person Intramural Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Tournament

Fudōshin is a Japanese word which means — literally and metaphorically — “immovable mind”, “immovable heart” or “unmoving heart”. With the Fudōshin spirit in mind, Capital MMA locations began assembling teams of four, each with one white belt, blue belt, purple belt and brown belt representative. This time Lorton had the honor of bringing home the coveted “Donut” trophy. Check …

Heather Walker Leahy Promo | Preparing for Shogun Fights XXII at the MGM

Heather Walker Leahy Promo | Preparing for Shogun Fights XXII at the MGM

Heather Walker-Leahy continues to prepare for Shogun Fights XXII on July 13th at the MGM National Harbor. This will be Heather’s third professional mixed martial arts fight, and she currently has an undefeated record. We’d love to see all of you there to cheer her on. Need tickets? DM Heather personally on IG @hwalkerleahy, or see her at the gym. …

From Barely Walking to Jiu-Jitsu Blue Belt | A Story of Determination

For her entire life Noelle Muratore has dealt with a number of physical ailments, including severe muscle weakness. For Noelle the weakness would become so debilitating that at times she was completely unable to walk. A couple of years ago she was diagnosed with Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome. CMS is a neuromuscular disorder where the muscles and nerves do not communicate …